Draw for September 30, 2015

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The Giants' Tarot, Raven Kaldera

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Wrapping up September on a serious note: Hreidmar & Ottar/Five of Coins; Isa; Skadi/Justice as the Hidden Influence.

Things may not make sense. Things may seem incredibly unfair. Things may seem horrible and as though they will never ever change and it is going to be awful forever. We are caught in the cold, hard grip of Skadi, wrapped in Isa, devastated by loss as Hreidmar was–and sometimes, life is simply that way, regardless of whether we have done anything to cause these things to happen, or if we are simply caught up in events surrounding us.

Things may not make sense to you right now. Things may seem incredibly unfair right now. And things may be horrible right now–and, things will change.

Beneath Isa’s frozen surface is the liquid energy of potential. You have work to do, perhaps even grieving to do. Change will happen, be assured–and you need to have done your mourning for what is passing away so that you are able to focus on the new.

Skadi reminds us that we do not see the universal picture to give us context for what is happening. The wheels of cosmic justice turn to put things to rights in ways we cannot see or anticipate. We see how events affect us, the changes wrought in our lives and the lives of those around us, but we do not see how it fits into the overall pattern of events. We are humans, not Gods, and rarely do our Gods give us such a view. When They do, we must give ourselves time and space to process it–you can’t just glimpse the Norns’ tapestry and go back to life as you have always lived it. You are changed by that experience, and you must let that change happen.

However, without that view to guide us, all we can do is continue on–keep going, keep working, keep creating, cooking, singing, doing the laundry–whatever is required to make it through the day in one piece. Accept what is offered, make the best of it, and know that things underneath the surface are changing, even if we cannot see or sense it right now.

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