Draw for December 28, 2015

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Draw Dec 28 2015 Sunna Sowelu Ymir

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Sunna/The Sun; Sowelu; Ymir/The Fool.

Sunna rides Her chariot across the sky, bringing light to the world. Guess what you need to do today? Rise and shine, mount your chariot, and go.

Sowelu, too, brings the light of the sun to this reading. Warmth, light, clarity, and healing are the energies of the day. Feel them, allow them to sink into you, and channel them to transform yourself and your circumstances. Sometimes Sowelu can bring an unexpected, and often dramatic, change. Sunna will help you if that’s the case today.

Ymir reassures you that the change, even if unexpected, can bring many positive developments. The Fool is the embodiment of potential–what you do with it is up to you. Circumstances may as yet be undefined, so seize the opportunity to turn them to your most favorable situation.

Much can be done, and you have the energies to make the most of things. What are you waiting for? Go!

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