Draw for January 17, 2016

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Draw Jan 17 2016 Billing Ul-r Aurboda

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Billing/King of Coins; Ul, reversed; Aurboda/Page of Wands.

It’s not your imagination that you feel tired and depleted today. Ul reversed says you have been putting forth much effort and energy, and it has all caught up to you.

Aurboda is a healer. The card shows her carrying healing herbs from Jotunheim to Vanaheim. She is a messenger, and urges you to look at what you need to heal, and to do whatever that is.

Billing, too, travels between Jotunheim and Vanaheim. He has a home and a family in each place. His job as master of trade is to decide which goods go to which country, and in what quantities. There must be enough in the origin country to sustain its people, and enough sent in trade to the other country to obtain other necessary items.

Look at the various areas of your life to see where you can create more balance. Do you need more time to rest, or more time for creative work? That means you need to spend less time on other activities. See where you can shift just 15 minutes from a less-important activity to a higher priority activity, and see what a difference just 15 minutes can make.

Balance is not static. Creating and maintaining balance is an ongoing process, and will need constant adjustments to adapt as your circumstances change. You need to restore some sanity to your way of being in this world in order to maintain your own sanity.

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