Draw for February 9, 2016

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Draw Feb 9 2016 Mengloth Fehu-r Mjol

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera


Today’s Draw: Mengloth/Page of Cups; Fehu, reversed; Mjol/Eight of Wands.

After yesterday’s festivities, we find ourselves back in the daily dailiness of life.

Mengloth is a famous healer, and is here to tell you that you need to take care of yourself. No, really, truly, you do.

See that reversed Fehu? That relates not only to material wealth (keep an eye on your spending today, and double-check your math before making that purchase), but also to your physical health. You don’t have to be an advanced reader to know that Fehu reversed signals depletion and exhaustion. You must allow yourself to rest and to heal. Eat well, stay hydrated, engage in some gentle movement. Be kind to your body today–you both need it.

Mjol sweeps in on a blizzard of external demands. Noted, but that doesn’t change the reality that you must take care of yourself today so that  you can deal with those demands. Do what you must today, but probably more of those demands can wait until tomorrow than the ones who are making the demands want to believe. Their priorities do not determine your priorities. And remember, your priority today is genuine self-care.

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