A Gratitude Reading

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Tarot. Thanksgiving. They both start with the letter T. Sometimes they’re both filled with things we’d rather not deal with (Cousin Sarah’s obnoxious boyfriend, jello salad with coconut topping, the Ten of Swords followed by the Tower).  On the plus side, both offer opportunities for reflection and gratitude. I’m trying to be more mindful of […]

Podcast Migration

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Things might be a bit slow this week – I’m in the process of migrating the past episodes of the Tarot-To-Go podcast to the Tarot Pathways site, and it’s taking a while – you know all those cool links with each podcast that take you to the pages of the books and things we talk […]

Three Card Spreads

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Since we do a lot of parties and street fairs, I’ve had to develop a number of two and three card spreads to address different types of questions (and to keep it interesting for me as well – how many times in a row can you do the same spread?). As useful as ten (or […]

Seven Card Relationship Spread

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A client had recently met someone in whom she was very interested, but she felt discouraged because it seemed as though the universe was continually throwing obstacles in her path. I devised the following spread on the spur of the moment, and we were both pleased with how it turned out! 5           7 1     3     2 4           6 Card […]

Back On the Air Soon

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We’ve been off the air a few weeks due to a death in my family – I returned from the UK, and had one day to turn around and fly to the funeral. Family has been the priority since then, as I’m sure you can understand. My thanks to everyone who has offered their love […]

Mary Greer’s Blog

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Mary Greer has started a blog!  You can find it here! While nothing compares to actually taking a class with Mary, her blog is a great way to find out what she’s working on – and when she’ll be teaching a class near you!
