Kali Ghat – Steps of Kali Spread

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The Destruction card in the Dark Goddess Tarot by the divinely talented Ellen Lorenzi-Prince is, of course, Kali. Inspired by Ellen’s art and words, I created the following spread to provide a structure for navigating a time of difficult transition. 8 7 6 4 5 1 2 3 1. Ego. The lies your ego is telling you to […]

Hel’s Opportunities and Options Spread

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This spread was inspired by the image of the goddess Hel on the Two of Earth card in Ellen Lorenzi-Prince‘s fantastic Dark Goddess Tarot, and the accompanying text. In Ellen’s words: “You have more than one task, more than one voice, more than one passion. You must make choices in your behavior, but do not […]

Hel’s Transcendence Spread

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This is a second spread inspired by the image of the goddess Hel on the Two of Earth card in Ellen Lorenzi-Prince‘s fantastic Dark Goddess Tarot. In Ellen’s words: “If both are the reality, there is no choice. . . . In Hel’s underworld, opposites are accepted out of necessity, and through inescapability, are transcended. […]

Hel’s Healing Spread

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This simple, yet powerful spread inspired by the image of Hel on the Two of Earth card from the amazing Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince. Hel has shown up as my card of the day several times in the past few weeks, so I’ve spent some time meditating on Her image and message. This […]
