Filed Under Bindrune | Comments Off on Bindrune to Create a Glamour
If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune. Life can present us with occasions for which we feel inadequate, or perhaps we just need a boost to help us present our best aspect. To go […]
Filed Under Bindrune | Comments Off on Bindrune for Confidence
If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune. As the Wheel of the Year turns, many of us are looking at significant changes in our lives, sometimes multiple changes happening all at once. This bindrune […]
Filed Under Bindrune | Comments Off on Bindrune for Calm
If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune. Everyone I know is going through some kind of major change right now–work, home, relationships, family–something. With so much intense emotional energy running through the air, this […]
Filed Under Bindrune | Comments Off on Bindrune for Prosperity
If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune. Our first bindrune will be one to attract prosperity. Even though some industries are running hot and the companies in those fields are doing well, the rising […]
Filed Under Bindrune, Spreads and Reading Techniques | Comments Off on Working with Bindrunes
A Bindrune is a combination of runes drawn to create a symbol of increased power for a particular purpose–to attract money, love, luck, and other objects (obscure and otherwise) of desire, or to banish negative energies, avoid misfortune, and avert generally unpleasant things. Wikipedia has a brief and useful article on the history of bindrunes for […]