The Path Takes a New Direction
When I started this blog in 2007, I was deeply immersed in the Tarot world. Tarot-To-Go was a new and successful venture, and Tarot Media Company was just beginning production of its very first item. I was attending all the Tarot conferences within reasonable distance (San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium and PantheaCon), and a few that weren’t (TABI conferences are fabulous!).
In the years since, I as a person, and my interests, have changed, and, I hope, both have grown. I’ve found a dedicated spiritual path in the Northern Traditions, after spending most of my life as a Generalist Polytheist Pagan. Tarot-To-Go is a fond memory of readings given and lives touched. Tarot Media Company is still going, all of our titles active and in print, and has been joined by its sister publishing company, Black Swan Press. I have co-authored a book with the amazing and divinely talented David Palladini, and am working on a book of runes for release in 2018.
My path includes so much more than just Tarot now, and, as much as I love Tarot Pathways, and the fabulous graphic design of the site, it no longer reflects me as a person, or the work I do in my life and the world.
I’ve started a new blog, Walking in the Iron Wood, to track the next part of my journey. The new blog looks very different from Tarot Pathways, but my hope is that the content remains interesting and engaging for you, my readers.
Thank you for walking Tarot Pathways with me for almost seven years. I invite you to join me in Walking in the Iron Wood.