Daily Draw for September 25, 2015

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The Giants' Tarot, Raven Kaldera

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

It may be Friday, but your work is not yet done. Daeg/Knight of Wands says the time has come to do what you’ve been postponing. Angbroda, the High Priestess, advises bold–and thoughtful–action. Eihwaz, the yew tree, underscores Angrboda’s message of thought. Get out there, and be careful out there.

Daeg, the Knight of Wands, is all about taking action. Do it. Whatever it is. Just do it. It’s not going to get done by thinking about, or planning it, or wishing someone would take care of it. Take action, and be done with it.

The fire of Eihwaz feeds the active energy of Daeg. Lots of fire means lots of energy to direct–Angrboda’s wisdom can guide us to right action and right timing if we will listen to Her.

The yew tree is sometimes seen as Yggdrasil, the World Tree, which allows us to move between worlds. Angrboda is sorcerer and shaman who moves between worlds Herself. Her guidance helps us to ground our magical work in the practical world to create the changes we have been avoiding or delaying through fear, lack of confidence, or sheer stubbornness. Get over yourself, and get on with your work.

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