Draw for November 9, 2015

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Draw Nov 9 2015 Bolthorn Mannaz-r Nornir

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Bolthorn/Two of Wands; Mannaz, reversed; The Nornir/Wheel of Fortune.

Things happen for a reason. Sometimes that reason is Things Happen. There is no sense, there is no explanation. Things happen, and we have to deal with them.

Things happen, and knock us off our feet, disconnect us from ourselves. Mannaz reversed makes it clear that we are not in touch or in tune today, and we are not acting from a place of calm focus. But, that place is where we are, so we have to deal with that reality.

Bolthorn pricks and pokes us, reminding us of things we have let go too long, things which we should have dealt with long before today. We do need to address these things, but from a place of thought and consideration—response, not reaction. Do not let yourself be goaded into inappropriate action from frustration, fear, anger, or exasperation. Think first, then speak.

The Nornir are the Hidden Influence today. Things Will Happen. You do not have to like what happens, but you do have to accept it so you can deal with it.

How do you do that? With Grace. Not with Will, not with Intelligence, not with Strength. With Grace. Grace is what will carry you through this. Give yourself time to go quiet, to go within, and find that Grace.

Then, with Grace, you will be able to handle whatever Bolthorn and The Nornir send your way.

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