Draw for December 10, 2015

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Draw Dec 10 2015 Bolthorn Gebo Vafthrudnir

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Bolthorn/Two of Wands; Gebo; Vafthrudnir/Two of Swords.

Would you just look at all those twos? And all those Xes? Every.Single.Card. Today is all about balance and choices. We have serious choices to make, and we have to balance what is right for us vs. what we want vs. what is for the higher good vs. what is totally beyond our control. Sure, easy.

Bolthorn is pushing us to act. Do it, do it now, just do something! Change is needed, and it’s always better to initiate change than to wait for someone else to decide your fate.

Not so fast! cautions Vafthrudnir. The companion book says, “one poor decision could cause the whole thing to fall one way or the other, so each choice must be made with extreme caution and careful thought.”

No pressure, but really, this is a Big Deal.

Vafthrudnir lost a riddle contest to Odin, and many view that Odin won unfairly by asking a question rather than a riddle–and a question to which only Odin would know the answer. Of course there was no way for Vafthrudnir to know what Odin whispered into dead Baldur’s ear. Nonetheless, Vafthrudnir conceded the contest to Odin. As he had wagered his life that he could beat Odin, this was not a small bet to lose.

We are thus cautioned to set boundaries (again!) against tricks and half-truths. We are charged with making serious decisions, but we may not yet have all the information needed to make good decisions. Do your research, ask all the questions, and do not accept any incomplete answers.

Gebo is the balancing point here between thought and action. In this festive holiday season with its emphasis on gifts, we are deeply aware of the psychological and emotional bonds and obligations involved in giving and receiving. It’s complicated enough dealing with gifts among family and friends and coworkers and the person who cuts your hair and everyone else who you feel you should give to and/or receive from, but then there are the Gods.

The Gods need gifts from us as much as we need Their gifts. We give devotion, service, and offerings, and the Gods give us what They choose. Perhaps wisdom, or strength, or a bit of luck, or simply the pleasure of service, or sometimes that well-timed last minute resource that truly is the answer to our prayers. It’s up to Them what They give, even though we don’t always choose what–or how much–to give to Them.

As you make your decisions today, consider what is given, and what is received, and by whom. Be clear in your thinking, and prompt in taking action.

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