Draw for December 12, 2015

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Draw Dec 12 2015 Logi Dagaz Gefjon

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Logi/Ace of Wands; Dagaz; Gefjon/Ace of Coins.

Hey, you! Yes, you. Right there. See this? This is your permission slip to do what is right for you, to make the changes you need to make, so that you can live the life you want. Not the life your parents, or your high school counselor, or your spouse or children or you nosey neighbor want you to live–your life on your terms.

Logi is the creative spark, the fiery passion of your soul that rouses you to action, to creation, to change. Gefjon gives you the focus and will to do the work, to prepare the field and plant it and tend it.

Dagaz is all about transformation. Night turns to day, sorrow turns to joy, an idea becomes reality. You can make your ideas into your reality–start right now, right where you are. Not when you are less busy at work, or after the holidays, or once [fill in the blank with your favorite rationalization] happens. Right here, right now.

As we approach the Winter Solstice, the energy surrounding us supports this change. A brief moment, and things change-the darkness turns to light, and the days become longer, the nights shorter. Even if the change is barely perceptible, it progresses a bit each day, and suddenly it’s no longer dark when you leave work.

Likewise, with incremental changes, we can create the larger changes our souls are urging us toward. One idea, one step, one action at a time, we will transform ourselves and our lives so the Spring Equinox finds us living more authentic lives.

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