Draw for December 17, 2015

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Draw Dec 17 2015 Gjalp & Griep Inguz Loki

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Gjalp & Griep/Five of Wands; Inguz; Loki/The Magician.

And here we have the Universe presenting another Learning Opportunity.

Inguz shows us the possibility for growth and change, and energizes us to walk that path. But not everyone shares our opinion on what is the right thing to do, or what the desired outcome actually is.

Loki inspires us with His silver tongue to master our own words and eloquently resolve the dispute. “Use your words” in the most persuasive way possible–coax, cajole, appeal to reason or emotion–whatever it takes to get the other person to see things your way. And do so truthfully. No little white lies, not even the tiniest of fibs–win honestly and graciously.

Be smart, not sly, or you will lose in the long run.

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