Draw for December 26, 2015

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Draw December 26 2015 Hela Nauthiz Bestla

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Hela/Death; Nauthiz; Bestla/Ten of Coins.

Today is all about need. You need to let go of what no longer serves, of your old ways of being and living, to make room for your new life. You can’t bring new things into a space that’s already full. You must discard all that holds you back and limits your life

Bestla’s throne has three runes carved into it. Berkana, in the center and the largest, emphasizes the rebirth and new life that follows the death in Hela’s card. Nauthiz, also today’s rune, says you must focus on what you truly need. Not what you want, not what others need or want from you, but that which you truly need to live and to live fully. Perthro, the third rune on Her throne, evokes the dice cup, the element of chance. We are given no guarantees, and things may not turn out as we expect. But we must decide, we must take action, and we must let go of the life we have in order to live the life we want.

Change is happening. Guide that change so it works out in your best interests, not someone else’s. It is your life, after all.

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