Friday Night at TABI 2007

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Ammerdown Conference Centre       In spite of jet lag, incomprehensible directions which name roads that don’t exist, and impossible-to-see road signs, the Darling Husband managed to navigate our little red rental car to the Ammerdown Conference Centre for the Tarot Association of the British Isles Annual Conference, arriving safely late in the afternoon on Friday, July 6, 2007. The centre itself is a converted stables and dovecote on a lovely estate in the countryside near Radstock, Somerset. After an exhaustive tour and orientation to the centre (including a warning about the bull in the field on the way to the monument), we were finally shown to our room to collapse for a bit before the evening’s festivities.

Registration began at 6:00, followed by socializing, and dinner at 7:00. I recognized a few people from the excellent workshop on face-to-face readings I’d taken with Ania Marczyk and Brian Stevenson in London in March, and we had a good time catching up. Shortly after dinner, the one and only Lon Milo DuQuette arrived (fresh from speaking in Amsterdam) and we chatted while he had a late supper. We were joined by Rachel Pollack, and had a delightful time keeping company. (With the two of them, how could it be otherwise?!)

After dinner was more socializing, and drinking wine, and socializing, until midnight, when the lack of sleep hit full force, and I decided that discretion was the better part of staying awake through the next day’s classes, and called it a night.

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