Reading Tarot at The Pagan Alliance Festival, Berkeley
Tarot-To-Go continued its tradition of reading at The Pagan Alliance Festival in Berkeley, California on May 10, 2008. The day dawned bright and early (suddenly, it’s summer!). Rose Red and Andrew met me at my house very early, we loaded up the tent and furniture, and off to Berkeley we went!
The festival is one of our favorite events, and we look forward to it each year. The crowd is always friendly and enthusiastic, and the people watching opportunities are unsurpassed – it is Berkeley, after all!
We set up in good time, with only a minor hitch (how is it possible to lose a box of 500 safety pins?!), and everyone did their warm ups, physical and otherwise, before the readings started. The event officially started at 10:00, but of course being in an open park, the public showed up earlier.
I realized I’d left our flyers at home (the hazards of packing early in the morning before I’ve had coffee!). Thing were pretty quiet, so I drove home to pick them up. I returned an hour later, and all the tables were full, there was a line and a waiting list! Andrew was managing it all quite calmly, and I took my place at the front table to catch up on the scheduling and payment tracking. A half hour later, it was quiet again. Artemis J says I’m making this up, but I swear it’s what happens at this event – when I’m at the booth, there’s not a client to be found; as soon as I leave, business picks up and the readers are constantly busy – until I return to the booth, and it dies down again. So, since it was quiet, I left the booth and wandered around to see who else was there and check out the altars set up for the event.
I returned to the very busy booth a half hour later, and then all was suddenly quiet. So I went for another walk. I did finally return to the booth so Andrew could have a break – holding down the front desk takes a lot of energy!
Things stayed busy as long as I stayed away – but I don’t take it personally. They also stay busy when I’m reading, which I was able to do a bit as well.
We had a great time, everyone read as much as they wished during the day, and we made a lot of new friends – definitely a day well spent!