Card of the Day: Rachel Pollack’s Shining Tribe – The Magician

Filed Under Daily Draw | 1 Comment

The Magician figure in most Tarot decks is male; however, in Rachel’s Shining Tribe Tarot, the figure wears both mask and robe, and so is androgynous.

Rachel Pollack's Shining Tribe - The Magician

Rachel Pollack's Shining Tribe - The Magician

This Magician is not a stage magician, not a trickster; this Magician has a deep and profound connection with the earth, air, fire, and water pictured, and has the knowledge – and wisdom – to use them to create magic.

Sometimes, when we want to make a change – even a positive, welcome change – part of ourselves is frightened because we get caught in “what if?”.  What if it doesn’t work? What if I look like an idiot? What if it all goes incredibly wrong, and I’m not as smart as I think I am, and I can’t manage the process?

If you’re feeling stuck, caught in the “what if”, take time to meditate on what is working. What elements are at your disposal?  What resources – external and internal – are available to you?  Does someone have something you need?  Can someone help? Ask. Just ask.  Even if the answer is “no”, you may find an alternate source.  But if you don’t ask, the answer is always “no”.

If we wait until we have all the answers to the “what if” questions, we’ll never take action.

Instead, put on your Robes of Wisdom, your Mask of Confidence, take a deep breath, and do it.

What magic can you create today?

One Response to “Card of the Day: Rachel Pollack’s Shining Tribe – The Magician”

  1. I was just in my backyard feeling a little overwhelmed by “what if?” and “what next?” thoughts so I decided to lay on the earth and ground myself. When i got up, a perfect me-shaped imprint remained in the grass. Haha! I occured to me that no matter what i decide to do next, I leave behind my imprint in some way. So this blog is perfect–why not look at what’s working already and ask for direction and help? I can only be me, even if all I do is do the best that I can.
