Announcing: Tarot House San Francisco!

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I’m excited to announce the first meeting of Tarot House San Francisco on Thursday, August 26, 2010!

In cooperation with Tarot Professionals, we’ve established Tarot House San Francisco, a monthly gathering of Tarot readers, enthusiasts, and collectors, meeting the last Thursday of each month at the Unitarian Universalist Center of San Francisco, 1187 Franklin Street, 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

I’m further delighted that our first meeting will coincide with a visit from the UK by Tarot Professionals Directors Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin, in town to attend the fabulous San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium!

We’ll discuss Tarot, we’ll exchange ideas, and we’ll actually pull out our cards and read!

As an additional benefit, all members of the Tarot House will gain individual membership to Tarot Professionals and full access to the magazine, guides, videos, and forum. Not only do you benefit from the ideas and experience of the monthly meeting, you have all of the resources of Tarot Professionals available every day of the month!

You can read more about Tarot Professionals and Tarosophy(TM) restoring the spiritual dignity of Tarot at:

The fee for each meeting is $7.00, which covers our cost of providing the space and the group subscription to Tarot Professionals, which makes your individual membership available each month.  (You know you spend that much on lattes and lunch every workday – and Starbucks doesn’t give you a Tarot Professionals membership!)

Please RSVP by email or by phone at 415.508.7323 so we can be certain to have enough chairs, coffee, and tea.

See you on August 26!

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