Join Me and James Ricklef for Coffee and Tarot on Nov. 26!
The talented and charming James Ricklef, creator of The Tarot of the Masters, will be in San Francisco over the Thanksgiving weekend. We’re doing an impromptu and informal get together on Friday, November 26, 2:00 – 4:00 pm, at Borderlands Cafe, 870 Valencia Street in San Francisco. If you want to meet James, or have met him and want to see him again, now is your chance!
James is also the author of Tarot Tells the Tale; Tarot: Get the Whole Story; The Tarot Affirmations Book; and the Original Tarot Coloring Book. His original and inventive approach to Tarot is easy to understand and work with, and provides a deeper way to work with Tarot, for yourself and with clients.
James is based in Los Angeles, and doesn’t make it to San Francisco nearly often enough, so this is a great opportunity to meet with him!
There’s no fee for this meeting, but we do ask that you support Borderlands Cafe by purchasing some food and beverage from their enticing menu.
Please email us to let us know you’ll be joining us so we can let the cafe know how many tables we need. See you on November 26!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tarot Pathways, Anastasia Haysler. Anastasia Haysler said: Join me and James Ricklef for an informal San Francisco Tarot Cafe on Nov. 26 at 2:00 pm! Details […]
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