Daily Draw for September 22, 2015

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The Giants' Tarot, Raven Kaldera

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera


For today’s Equinox, Sigyn as Temperance is an apt draw, along with the rune Dagaz, and Groa/Nine of Wands as the Hidden Influence.

On this day of balance between light and dark, Sigyn’s influence helps us balance our own energies. She reminds us that we find and re-find our center as our experiences temper and shape us.

Dagaz is the rune of transformation–from day to night, night to day, season to season–making it the perfect companion to Sigyn. Some also attribute this rune to Loki, making this connection to Sigyn/Temperance even more powerful. Their experience in the cave, with Sigyn tending the bound Loki, was an extreme tempering experience for both of Them. Dagaz helps us filter our experience and make sense of it so that we can truly take in the lesson and not have to repeat it.

Groa, a respected healer, guides us to use our skills wisely and well. Think about how you use your abilities, and your time. Are you putting them towards what is truly important, or are you distracted from your goals by material considerations, emotional issues, or just plain old lack of focus? Today is a good day to consider how you structure your day, and how that aligns (or doesn’t) with your priorities, and figure out how to change your day to match your (possibly changed) goals. As a Wand, a card of action, Groa tells us that balance is an active process; what achieves balance on one day may not work the next, and so we need to be flexible within our structure to keep that midpoint focus.

Take time, make time, to rediscover your balance point, and make the necessary changes to meet it.

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