Daily Draw for September 24, 2015

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The Giants' Tarot, Raven Kaldera

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera


Kolga/Six of Cups reappears this week, along with Fehu, and the Hidden Influence of Gerda/Page of Coins.

Kolga most recently appeared with Dagaz to melt the frozen emotions which keep us stuck in unhealthy patterns. Fehu continues this work, its warmth freeing the cups trapped in the ice.

Fehu blesses us with the resources we need to do the healing work, drawing upon our strength, luck, and connections to to others, allowing us to manifest our own best qualities.

Gerda, as the healer, helps us to use those resources wisely and well. She knows which herbs will help and which will harm. We are guided by Her wisdom to avoid what is harmful and to choose what we need to heal ourselves. Gerda works within the rich world of her walled garden, and She suggests that we, too, retreat to our walled garden to do our healing in safety and sanctuary.

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