Draw for October 29, 2015

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The Giants' Tarot, Raven Kaldera

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s draw: Mjol/Eight of Wands; Isa; Hyndla/The Hermit.

Things around you are moving quickly, perhaps too quickly for you to process thoroughly. Isa is here to help shield you from the chaos. Being ice itself, however, Isa has its own slippery energy, so be sure you are directing that outwards to deflect unhelpful influences, rather than turning it towards you and adding to your own sense of being off-balance.

Mjol gives you the energy to work with Isa, and to move with necessary speed. Just because you are moving quickly does not mean you are moving thoughtlessly, or without a plan. You need to respond, not just react.

Hyndla tells us to stop and think before we act. Use Isa as a shield to give yourself time and space to consider what is happening, and what your best response to the situation will be. Do not let  yourself be rushed; even in the most urgent circumstances (setting aside physical danger), you can give yourself a bit of time and space to sort out what is happening, so you can make a good decision. Respond from your authentic self, and not from someone else’s patterns or expectations.

Let others rush in and slip on the ice. Take the time to put on your snow shoes.

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