Draw for November 10, 2015
Today’s Draw: Glut, Einmyria & Eisa/Three of Wands; Wendhorn; Ran/Queen of Cups.
Today is all about the emotions and passions. Glut and her daughters dance with joy and abandon. Ran takes us to the depths of emotional experience–perhaps deep love, deep pain, or both.
Wendhorn is the balance between the two cards, reminding us that life is a mix of experiences and emotions. One day we’re happy, one day we’re sad, one day we’re both of these things in 15 minute cycles.
The key here is to experience the emotions, rather than deny them. Repressed emotions become demons which come back to bite us later. Find a healthy way to express your emotions and channel that energy into your passion for life, for your loved ones, for your art, for your work, for whatever it is that you get out of bed in the morning to do.
Dance, laugh, cry, mourn, celebrate, sing. Use your emotional energy to make your life your art.