Draw for December 11, 2015

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Draw Dec 11 2015 Hati Skoll Cweorth Mannaz Nine Maidens of the Mill

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Hati & Skoll/The Chariot; Cweorth and Mannaz; Nine Maidens of the Mill/Nine of Coins.

Grab those reigns and steer! Things are moving quickly, and you have a lot to do before you reach your destination. You don’t have to control everything, even if it feels like you do. Do your part, and let others do theirs.

The fire energy of Cweorth feeds the movement of the Chariot. You have been releasing that which no longer serves (people, situations, habits, possessions, etc.) which lightens the load on the Chariot, and the load on your soul. Keep clearing, keep consigning to the funeral pyre all that is dead and no longer nurtures you.

The Nine Maidens of the Mill appear to remind us to Do The Work. Clean your house, organize your files, finish incomplete tasks, clear the decks. Next to Mannaz, the rune of the Self, I take their appearance in this reading to mean that the work to focus on is on our *selves* as much as it is about external responsibilities.

The cleaning and clearing we’ve done on the material plane absolutely affects us emotionally and spiritually. Take time to put your internal house in order while working on your physical environment. You can’t do everything all at once, and working on yourself is just as important as doing your laundry, even if you don’t end up with the tangible result of a neatly folded pile of towels.

Do your work, do your Work, nourish your body, nurture your spirit, and you will make a good journey of it, and perhaps have some fabulous stories to tell.

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