Draw for December 22, 2015

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Draw Dec 22 2015 Narvi and Vali Berkana-reversed Billing

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Narvi & Vali/Ten of Swords; Berkana (reversed); Billing/King of Coins.

Well, yes. It is as grim as it looks.

The Ten of Swords in most decks is not a happy card, and The Giants’ Tarot version is no exception. Treachery, betrayal, trickery, and coming from those you would never suspect. Or is it your own treachery inflicted upon someone who trusts you? Or are you sabotaging yourself? Whoever is the perpetrator has much to answer for–even if they feel completely justified in their actions, what they are doing is simply wrong.

Berkana reversed isn’t helping. That growth and new life carried in Berkana is stuck, frozen, perhaps even permanently damaged and unsalvageable. Right now, there is pain and anger and hurt and loss, and that’s just where you are.

Billing, as the Hidden Influence, is our encouragement. Billing advises us to look at what remains, what we still have. Even if we feel we have lost all that is truly important, some resources remain, even if they seem scant and insufficient. If nothing else, right this moment, you are alive–and that makes everything else possible. All may seem lost, but some things of value remain, including your Self.

Look within to find the survival instinct to help you through this dreadful situation. Berkana will turn upright, and life will go on.

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