Draw for December 27, 2015

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Draw Dec 27 2015 Garm Os Grid

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Garm/Nine of Swords; Os; Grid/Knight of Coins.

You have a lot of work to do, and a lot of Work. The God are speaking to you, and through you. Listen, learn, and do your best to understand so you can teach what you have learned.

Take care of practical matters efficiently so you have more time and energy to focus on the messages from the Gods. You must approach the Work with sharp focus and clear purpose. You cannot take it lightly, or give it only half-attention. This Work demands your all, and you must be prepared for the changes it will create in you and in your life. One does not speak with the Gods and remain the same person.

Be confident in your ability to learn, and be prepared to work hard for the knowledge. The rewards are greater than you can imagine, and will stay with you always.

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