Draw for January 2, 2016

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Draw Jan 2 2016 Gjalp & Greip Laguz Billing

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Gjalp & Greip/Five of Wands; Laguz; Billing/King of Coins.

Disagreements, arguments, and direct conflicts may mark the day, especially where material and financial matters are concerned. There is enough, but there may not be agreement about the best way to use what is there.

Billing repeats his role from yesterday as the Hidden Influence. Whatever else is happening on the outside (people showing up at your door with big sticks is not what anyone wants on their agenda), you need to remain calm and focused on your truth.

Laguz, the rune of flow, gives us energy to deal with these conflicts. We can simply flow through the argument, and then table the discussion for later. This can be the best technique in a situation where everyone is so busy convincing the others of the correctness of their own position that no one is listening to anyone else. Agreeing to a cooling-off period and resuming the discussion when people are able to actually hear others’ words will delay the resolution, but will yield a better result.

Alternately, we can use the Laguz energy to help us direct the energy, to create a smooth flow, to allow the other to talk until they have exhausted their words and their self, and then use energy to guide them to the resolution we want. Remember, Laguz is associated with Loki, and you can call upon His eloquence to aid your own speech. Often, people want to be acknowledged more than they want to achieve their stated goal; their need to be right is more important than their need to get their way.

Be the clear thinker in the group, and you can steer the ship.

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