Draw for February 16, 2016

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Draw Feb 16 2016 Hronn Mannaz-r Vafthrudnir

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Hronn/Five of Cups; Mannaz, reversed; Vafthrudnir/Two of Swords.

Today’s energies are many and mixed, and you may not be at your best, or want to deal with anything. Hronn incites fear and paranoia, and Vafthrudnir’s mental dilemma is not helpful.

Mannaz turning up revered indicates low energy and poor boundaries. Not an ideal space to be in when confronted with the energies of the cards.

Defer, delay, postpone, and push off to tomorrow as much as you can. If someone presses you for a decision, let them know that they need to take a number, and that their turn will come tomorrow. If they really must have an answer today, withdraw to a quiet place (both environmentally and internally) to sort out the energies so you can make a reasonable decision.

Take extra steps to care for yourself today, both physically and emotionally. Use the physical world provide boundaries where  your own energy is insufficient today. Let the calls go to voicemail, set an autoresponder on your email, put out a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door. Or on the entire day.

Use today to process what’s going on for you, so you can return to life, and business, tomorrow.

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