San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium, Oct. 6, 2007

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In a fit of schedule serendipity, Thalassa, founder of the Daughters of Divination and Producer of the San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium (“SF BATS”) and I managed to have the same hour free on the same day, and met for coffee and quick preview of this fall’s SF BATS on October 6. As usual, Thalassa has managed to put together a stellar speaker roster – featuring Mary K. Greer, Raven Grimassi and Stephanie Taylor, James Wanless, Joseph Martin, Julie Cuccia-Watts, along with local Tarot experts and authors – all in all, Thalassa has planned 18 speakers for your enlightenment, education, and entertainment! The event will be at the San Francisco Unitarian Center from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday, October 6, 2007. Thalassa has also promised a Tarot Salon for Sunday, October 7, with details to follow.

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