Too Hot To Think – or Write – Coherently
Someone turned up the heat here in the bay area, and it’s hot. (Okay, I acknowledge that our hot isn’t really hot compared to, say, Kansas City, Atlanta, or Houston, but it’s hot by our standards.) The heat is having a “highly non-optimal” effect on the vegetation in the back yard, and my rose plant is wilting. I’m wilting, for that matter. So today’s post features two of my favorite Tarot sites:
Aeclectic Tarot – – Simply the best-presented multi-purpose Tarot site for reviews, discussions, and great interviews with Tarot authors.
The Tarot School – run by Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone, this site has lots of information for starting with Tarot, and offer classes and workshops in person, online, and via correspondence – no matter how many things you’re juggling on your dance card, you can fit a class into your schedule! They also present the annual Readers Studio each spring. I’m scheduled to go to my first one in 2008, and I’m really looking forward to it!
I know, I know – you’re probably already aware of these sites and are thinking “big deal”. If you haven’t visited either of them recently (and really, when was the last time you actually went to the site and devoted real time to perusing it?), you should allow yourself a good hour (or at least 30 minutes) to revisit the sites and soak in all the wonderful Tarot goodness.
And now I’m going to go soak in some cold water goodness!