Rose Red and Andrew Are Married!

Filed Under Events | 2 Comments

For those who’ve been following the romance of Rose Red and Andrew, they are married as of about six hours ago!

Despite a chilly morning, the sun came out and suddenly the courtyard was filled with light and warmth, both physical and emotional.  Surrounded by family and friends from all over, they had a short ceremony which I had the honor to celebrate. Rose Red was stunning in a beautiful red silk sari, and Andrew was the picture of elegance in a Victorian dress kilt.

Rose Red and Andrew's Ceremony

Rose Red and Andrew's Ceremony

Artemis J was there to share the joy as well:

The Tarot-To-Go Core

The Tarot-To-Go Core

We wish them a happily ever after of love and joy!

Rose Red and Andrew

Rose Red and Andrew

2 Responses to “Rose Red and Andrew Are Married!”

  1. When is World Tarot Day for 2009? I would like to plan a tarot meetup group program with that theme.

  2. Dear Magi – World Tarot Day is May 25 every year. You could read all about it at DenElder’s site at, but someone hacked the site and she had to pull it down. As originated by DenElder, World Tarot Day is a day “To promote the use of the Tarot tool across all human made borders, be they political boundaries, misunderstandings of the mind, or ignorance of the tool itself, for the benefit and growth of the Spiritual Self.”

    Let us know your plans!

