Card of the Day: Alexandra Genetti, Wheel of Change – The Moon
Card of the Day: Alexandra Genetti, Wheel of Change Tarot – The Moon
A fitting choice for this week’s lunar eclipse! Of the many decks I work with, Genetti’s image is my favorite moon card, as for me it captures all that is magical, mysterious – and foreboding – about the Moon.
The sparkling stars surrounding the Moon twinkle with stellar energy, symbolizing the on-again, off-again moods that often accompany the creative process. The dragonfly in the foreground reminds us to allow our creativity to soar, allowing our imaginations to take us places we can reach by no other means.
But then, there’s the stone gateway, the canines howling, the wine-dark river of blood (yes, menstrual blood – menses, month) flowing endlessly from the hill to the delta – the dark and ominous (omen-ous) side of the Moon. Wolves, coyotes, even poodles baying at the moon can send chills up our spines. The primal response triggered in the reptilian part of our brains is not easily dissipated by the logic of our front brain, no matter how much our cerebral cortex chats and chirps reassuringly.
The stone gateway represents transition; change is often a mixed blessing. Even if we initiate the change – and no matter how exciting and welcome the change may be – change is still scary on some level. Even if the old situation or way of being was unhealthy, impossible to manage, and could not last, it was a known circumstance, which lends it an artificial feeling of safety. As with all changes, stepping through the stone archway is a one way trek, and there’s no going back to how things – or we – were.
At this time of lunar eclipse, we may find that our emotions are heightened, and at the same time it’s more difficult for us to connect emotionally or communicate effectively, with others and with ourselves. The Moon card reminds us that not every situation can be handled by reason alone; this is the time to step back, reconnect with our inner selves in a deep way, so that we can realign our feet on our life’s path and re-establish healthy and meaningful connections to others in our world.
What attracted me about this rendition was that the mound at the end of the path reminded me of a fairy sithe. I had tranced into Vanaheim once & instantly encountered & entered such a mound. I am currently looking for images to instigate astral projection experiences, remembering the power of the Moon card, & was delighted to find this representation.