Saturday at PantheaCon 2008

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Ah, PantheaCon! So many choices each session, and I can be at only one workshop!

Friday night I arrived too late to do anything more than check in, eat dinner, and pass out. Saturday morning, I faced my first round of choices – never easy!

I started the day with Mary Greer’s workshop on “Life As A Dream”. Mary did a short presentation on her theory and her experience teaching this workshop in other settings. The idea is to relate a life event as if one is retelling a dream, and interpret the event as one would interpret a dream. After Mary explained the theory, we paired off and took turns going through the process. My partner was great to work with, and we learned a lot about each other and ourselves.

The next session was a fun workshop with Lon Milo DuQuette presenting “Ask Baba-LON”. Lon shared excerpts from his upcoming book, and took some great questions from the audience. Lon also treated us to a few songs, which are available on his CD from his website.

After a break for lunch, I attended David Skibbins‘ presentation, bearing the intriguing title of “Saving the World, One Murder at a Time.” David is the author of the Warren Ritter mystery series, which is the only murder mystery series to feature a Tarot reader as the mystery solver. David spoke on finding ways to share your passion in the world and transforming it into your livelihood, which was inspiring and motivating.

Then it was time for nap – the late night on Friday (arriving after a long day at the day job) caught up with me, and despite the interesting workshops on offer, a nap was essential to ensure I would be able to attend the evening sessions.

I woke up in time to meet Rosered, Andrew, Artemis, and his wife for dinner.  They presented me with a wonderful gift – a pale blue polo shirt with the Tarot-To-Go logo embroidered on it!  They found a place to do the custom embroidery, and had it done as a surprise for me.  I was quite touched – such a nice gesture!  We ate and talked about Tarot and the workshops we’d been to that day – with so much variety, we’d all managed to attend entirely different sessions!

After dinner, I thought I’d catch another quick nap to rest up before the evening sessions.  The quick nap turned into 12 hours of sleep!  Turns out I was (unsuccessfully) fighting off a cold. I missed all kinds of wonderful things, but getting 12 hours of sleep made it possible for me to make it to some workshops on Sunday.

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