Draw for December 14, 2015

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Draw Dec 14 2015 Bara Ansuz (reversed) Hymir and Hrod

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Bara/Nine of Cups; Ansuz (reversed); Hymir & Hrod/Five of Swords.

The tide is rising, the beach is receding. If you haven’t noticed before now, you really have to pay attention. If you’ve been in denial, or indulging in rationalization–time’s up. You can’t ignore this any more.

Bara’s powers of erosion continue to dissolve the protective walls and barriers you have relied on to keep the emotional tide at a distance. Yes, the situation is messy, and it will be unpleasant (or downright awful) to deal with, and it may not work out as you want it to–but you must deal with it. When the floor is gone, there is no point in throwing a rug down and hoping no one notices.

Hymir and Hrod encourage us to use our intelligence and to work with others to deal with the situation. What we know, what we are able to do, is necessary, but by itself is insufficient. We need to combine our knowledge and skills with the knowledge and skills of others to find the complete solution to the problem. We must be honest about what the problems are, what the possibilities are, and what we are able to do–pretending, dissembling, or refusing to cooperate are not going to help anyone. We’re all in this together, and we all have to do our parts to make the whole situation work.

Pay attention, focus, and do what you can do–then do a bit more.


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