Draw for December 15, 2015

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Draw Dec 15 2015 Rind Kenaz Groa

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Rind/Page of Swords; Kenaz; Groa/Nine of Wands.

You have come far and learned much. You have acquired skills and knowledge, and can feel good about your mastery of your experience. And now it’s time to learn something new.

Rind encourages us to apply critical thinking and focus to the light and energy which Kenaz brings us. Making our choices and taking action based on the wisdom and experience represented by Groa, with the curiosity and openness to new ideas embodied in Rind, we find new solutions to old problems, new ways of thinking about the same old situation so that we can take action and make positive changes in ourselves and our lives.

Kenaz shows us the way, shines light on the path we can take. Kenaz sparks the fire in our souls, reignites our passion for our art, our work, our lives, infusing us with the desire and energy to create. Create what? Art, music, a batch of cookies, a home, a relationship, a new life, a more authentic self. Dance in the creative fire, and let Rind focus the heat and energy into real action.

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