Have You Checked Out The Tarot Guild?
This week, I joined the fabulous Tarot Guild community created by Dax Carlisle. I’m glad I did! I found several Tarot friends I know from other sites (and the offline world!), such as James Ricklef, Paul Nagy, and Gail Wood.
The Tarot Guild site has a lot of great features and functionality – you can share photos, post to your own Tarot Guild blog, participate in discussion forums, find Tarot classes and meetings, and see what your friends, peers, and various Pillars of the Tarot Community are doing, thinking, and talking about!
Check out The Tarot Guild today and send me a friend request!
Deb Frueh and I have had many discussions. And I thought the Tarot Guild was exclusive to professional (i.e., those who are paid for readings). I read a LOT, but I’ve never charged because I’ve been “doing” tarot for two years and insist upon reading for people – i.e., I ask THEM; they don’t ask ME. Now that I see I do not have to Be Important, I’d like to join.