Daily Draw for September 10, 2015
Today’s draw is Hrimthurs/3 of Coins and the rune Stan, with Bestla/Ten of Coins as the Hidden Influence.
As our friends at Nike say, “Just Do It”. You have the skills, talents, knowledge, and resources. Do it, do it now, and give it your all!
Focus is key here. Hrimthurs was unable to complete his work on time because Svadilfari, his critical resource, was distracted by Loki in disguise as a mare. What is your key resource? Your time. Today’s draw says to focus, focus, focus, and make the most of your time. It’s the one thing you can’t replace or buy more of. Other things can wait – whatever is calling you today, that is where to place your time and energy.
Stan is the keystone or an obstacle. With the positive energies of the two cards, Stan advises takig whatever appears to be an obstacle and making it into a keystone. If you can’t remove the rock, make it part of the foundation.
Whatever it is that you need to do today, the energies are right–and the time to start is now!