Daily Draw for September 13, 2015

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Daily Draw Sept 13 2015

Today we have Rind/Page of Swords and the rune Dagaz, with Bara/Nine of Cups as the Hidden Influence.

Change is not only possible, it’s already underway. Perhaps you’ve been working towards change, or even just wishing for it without taking action. Guess what? It’s here!

Even the most positive of changes creates emotional turmoil–things are never going back to the way they were, and no matter how pleased or relieved we are to be moving out of a difficult situation and into a better place, it’s still moving into the unknown, and that can create anxiety.

Rind tells us to keep focused on the work to be done to complete the change. Operating from a place of cold logic may be difficult in times of emotional upset, but right now, that’s exactly what is needed. Make informed decisions, and take prompt action to carry out those decisions. Then, when you get home, you can give yourself time to process the feelings and nurture that part of yourself that has been feeling scared about what lies ahead. Have a cup of tea, a glass of wine, cuddle your stuffed animal–whatever it takes to help you sort out those emotions so that you are in the best possible emotional and mental state for the next step.


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