Daily Draw for September 15, 2015

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Cards from The Giants' Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Cards from The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

The rune Fehu and the Undine Bara/Nine of Cups start our day, with the Hidden Influence of Mimir, The Hanged Man.

Be patient. You are probably tired of being patient, but you need to be patient a while longer. Bara is about erosion, the gradual process of wearing away. Slow and subtle, until one day enough sand has been swept from the beach that you can see the bare rock beneath.

Mimir reinforces the need for patience. The time is not right for bold, dramatic action, but that does not mean there is nothing to be done. Think of Bara, and figure out what small actions you can take. Even if it’s just one little thing, there is something you can do that will make a difference later.

Fehu is all about the material. What assets do you have? At the very minimum, you are alive and able to read this post, which means you are literate and have internet access–two very important items in modern life. What resources are available to you that you are not seeing, or are not using fully? What is truly yours? Take good care of what is yours, and it will take care of you. If it’s not yours, send it along to the person to whom it belongs.

After yesterday’s dramatic draw, today’s message of “focus on your advantages and do your work” seems mild. However, life is made up of ordinary days marked by extraordinary events, and you can still make a lot of positive progress even on a completely average day.

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