Daily Draw for September 14, 2015

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Daily Draw Sept 14 2015

Images from The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

As a proper Victorian lady might say, “My, that is a draw, isn’t it?” But today is not the day to be a proper Victorian. Today requires nothing less than your completely authentic soul.

The Nornir/Wheel of Fortune and the rune Kenaz (reversed), with the Hidden Influence of Narvi & Vali/10 of Swords, let us know that today will not be an ordinary day.

Things are going to happen which are beyond your control. Things beyond your control happen every day, but today they are happening in your life, to you.

What you can control is how you respond to these events.

Narvi and Vali tell us in no uncertain terms that others are not acting with our best interests in mind, and we need to be vigilant in establishing and maintaining defensive boundaries. When dealing with strong people, be aware of whether they are using their strength for unilateral or mutual advantage–and you probably already know the answer there.

Kenaz reversed says we’re operating in the dark. The light, for whatever reason, is not bright enough to illuminate our circumstances. Trust in yourself, trust in your Gods (if you have Gods), and move with care. If you decide to leap into the dark, do so with the understanding that you may land on soft ground leading to a new path, or sharp rocks to cut you open to force healing, or a trampoline that will bounce you right back to where you are, with an altered perspective.

The Nornir remind us that we can make all the plans we want to make, make decisions, and take action–but we have no way of knowing or controlling everything. We do the best we can, and when Things Happen, it is our job to respond from the authenticity of our souls. Some things are beyond our understanding; we do what we are called to do.

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