Draw for December 8, 2015

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Hrimthurs Eihwaz Unn

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Hrimthurs/Three of Coins; Eihwaz; Unn/Eight of Cups.

Unn reprises her role as the Hidden Influence, which She occupied yesterday. Eihwaz is all about defense and guarding, and appearing here with Unn is a strong message to set and maintain wide, healthy boundaries. Make time and space to process your own stuff, and let other people deal with their stuff. Things Are Happening (yes, we’ve been saying that a lot lately, but that’s because it’s true) and you need to focus on yourself and your stuff at this time, and everyone else needs to manage their stuff. And it is not your job to deal with their stuff if they choose not to do so themselves.

And, just in case that wasn’t clear already, Hrimthurs is here to remind you to set strong boundaries and focus on your work. Be protective of what you need to do your work–time, energy, materials, the last red Sharpie in the supply cabinet. Whatever it is, keep an eye on it, keep it close to you, and beware of anyone trying to make off with what is yours.

This is not a day for grand gestures or big decisions. Today is about focusing on what needs to be done, doing it well, and taking care of yourself while you do your work. Not glamourous, but necessary, and ultimately the best use of your time.

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