Draw for December 9, 2015

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Draw Dec 9 2015 Mundilfari Stan Hrimthurs

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Mundilfari/Six of Wands; Stan; Hrimthurs/Three of Coins.

Okay, then. Monday’s Active Influence Card reappeared on Tuesday as the Hidden Influence Card. Now, Tuesday’s Active Influence Card has appeared today as the Hidden Influence Card. No, I have no explanation.

Moving from yesterday’s Active Influence to today’s Hidden Influence, Hrimthurs brings us a consistent message–focus on your work, and focus on what you need to do the work. If you really need that last red Sharpie, don’t leave it sitting out on your desk. Hide it somewhere no one can take it. Your pocket, for example. Unless, of course, you work with pickpockets. Whatever it is you need to complete your work, guard it carefully.

Stan is the rune of building, connecting nicely to Hrimthurs rebuilding the walls of Asgard, and tells us to look at our foundation. We have made progress, but Stan counsels us to look at the work we have done. Is the foundation sturdy enough to support what comes next? Do we need to add a bit more mortar to those stones, or brace it up more thoroughly until the mortar dries?

Mundilfari is a Master Time Turner, father of Sunna and Mani. All possibilities and all worlds are contained within this card. Even more than an admonition to make wise use of our time (which is an important and strong message in its own right), Mundilfari’s appearance requires us to truly consider our options and the consequences of our choices. While we cannot anticipate every single possible result of an action, we can take the time needed to make a choice that is wise not only in the moment, but also wise in the times to come–whether that’s three days, three months, or three centuries.

Choose wisely, act promptly, and work diligently. The Universe is doing its part, and you need to do yours.

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