Draw for January 4, 2016

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Draw Jan 4 2016 Ran Eihwaz Jord

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Ran/Queen of Cups; Eihwaz; Jord/Queen of Earth.

Emotions are running high today. Use the energy of Eihwaz to channel them into effective communication and productive action.

In addition to being an energy channel to keep us focused, Eihwaz counsels caution. Be honest with yourself about what you are feeling, and take care to express those emotions honestly–and with judicious editing. Phrasing is key–remember the Sultan’s two sages. Watch your tongue so you may keep your head.

Jord is our guide today. She reminds us to stay grounded, to take care of ourselves so that we can take care of our responsibilities. Jord tells us that taking proper care of the material concerns allows us to take better care of the other parts of our lives.

Be calm, be wise, and remember to eat–and enjoy– lunch.

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