Draw for January 13, 2016

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Draw Jan 13 2016 Rym Ansuz-r Hymir and Hrod

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Rym/Ten of Wands; Ansuz, reversed; Hymir and Hrod/Five of Swords.

Rym returns from Sunday’s draw to see what progress you’ve made. How’s your to-do list coming along? All those things that you feel stuck with, that probably shouldn’t be your responsibility, but somehow they are–however much you resent or deny them doesn’t matter. They’re still your responsibility, and Rym isn’t going to let you forget or get away with not doing them. So you might as well get to it.

Ansuz reversed makes things more complicated. You may feel disconnected from yourself, discouraged, even depressed. You feel (and probably are) cut off from sources of support. Think of one thing you can do to reconnect, and do it. Even with all the extra stuff Rym has brought to your attention, you still have a responsibility to the Universe to take care of yourself.

Hymir and Hrod reappear in the Hidden Influence position, where they were yesterday. They are encouraging you to continue what you began yesterday, and reinforcing the message of Ansuz. Keep communicating,  keep reaching out, keep building those bridges. You need support and cooperation to deal with things, and the only way you’re going to receive that is by clearly communicating what you need and what your goals are.

Half the battle is knowing what needs to be done, and how it can be done.

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