Draw for January 26, 2016

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Draw Jan 26 2016 Sinmora Ansuz Blodughadda

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Sinmora/Queen of Wands; Ansuz; Blodughadda/Ace of Cups.

Blodughadda heralds a tide of emotions that must be dealt with today. Whether you consider the emotions to be positive (joy, love, peacefulness) or negative (anger, despair, hopelessness), they are present and you cannot ignore them. Whatever you need to do in order to deal with them, you must make the time to do that today.

Sinmora encourages you to express your emotions through creative work–dance, sing, play your instruments, write, draw, paint, throw pots, stitch–whatever channel calls to you, pursue it. Creating art takes you out of yourself, and at the same time allows to be in touch with the deepest parts of yourself. Wherever your passion lies, make time for it today.

This will also give you time to hear messages from the Gods, the Universe, and others in  your life. Time of intense focus opens you to this kind of contact, and, having sorted out your own stuff, you will be in a more clear and open space where you can truly hear those around you.

Let yourself feel whatever you are feeling, and direct that energy into creative action guided by higher wisdom and interpersonal connections.

Make art, make peace, make happiness.

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