Working from Assumptions

Filed Under Spreads and Reading Techniques | 1 Comment

I recently had a reading from someone who I know is a good reader.  Nothing elaborate, no 39.725 card Karmic Past Life Universal Master Symbological spread, just a few quick cards to look at something going on.  The spread was a “if yes / if no” two card spread using the Voyager deck.

The reader found many positive things to say about the “if yes” card – Man of Cups (Surfer).

The reader’s tone of voice changed and she didn’t find much positive to say about the “if no” card – 9 of Worlds (Harvest).

The reader didn’t know the particular issue I was asking about, simply that it was about a choice I was considering.

The reading was a wake up call for my own self as a reader.  She had assumed (consciously or otherwise) that the choice was something I wanted to say “yes” to, and had pitched the reading in that direction.

The reality is that the opportunity is *not* something I want to say “yes” to, but felt compelled to consider for certain reasons. By working from the assumption that I did want to say yes, the reader spun the reading in a way that didn’t provide much useful information.

So, next time I sit down to read, I have to remind myself – I don’t know what’s best for my client, and I can ‘t assume that I know what the “right” answer is.  Before I speak, I’ll check in with myself – am I saying what is really coming through my intuition, or am I imposing my thoughts on the flow of information?

One Response to “Working from Assumptions”

  1. Hi, Anastasia,
    Great comments and call to awareness! I,too, had a recent reading where the reader – someone I had never met before – not only made assumptions about me, but started asking deeply personal and intrusive questions. I really shut down and made a mental note to never do this to a client. A rapport has to be build, even if it’s only a 10 – 15 minute reading, and assumptions can alienate or put off the client.
    Thank you again, for posting this valuable insight.
    Pen in LA
