Tarot Journey: The Lovers and The Devil

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This month’s Tarot Journey focused on the the Lovers and the Devil, with a brief glimpse at the sixes in the Pips. We discussed numerological and astrological associations, and then dove into the history and interpretation – which is always where the discussion livens considerably! The Lovers card, of course, is about relationships – not […]

Bunny Slippers and Buckets of Water

Filed Under Spreads and Reading Techniques | 4 Comments

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” ~ Gloria Steinem “I read Tarot. Tarot is about Truth. If you want to feel warm and fuzzy, buy some bunny slippers.” ~ Me Sometimes the Truth is warm and fuzzy – someone learns self-love and self-respect, discovers their real talents and […]

A New Year (or Birthday or Anniversary) Spread

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As December flew by (it goes faster every year, I swear!) I resolved I would actually do my New Year spread within a week of the new year.  I made it!  We did the layout at the December meeting of Tarot House San Francisco, and then I actually did the card-by-card analysis on New Year’s […]

And For Your Astrological Birth Card

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Astrological Birth cards are much easier – no math required! I use the Golden Dawn associations, as I find they work well. Simply find the card associated with your Sun sign: Aquarius – Star Pisces – Moon Aries – Emperor Taurus – Hierophant Gemini – Lovers Cancer – Chariot Leo – Strength Virgo – Hermit […]

Figuring Out Your Numerological Birth Cards

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There are many ways to figure out birth cards in the Tarot, both numerological and astrological. The way I work with them is less complicated mathematically, and is easier for people to use than some of the more elaborate calculation systems. To calculate numerological birth cards, do the following. We’ll use Pamela Colman Smith’s birthday […]

The Rationalization Card

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During a recent conversation with James Wanless (soon to be posted as Podcast #46!), we talked about why some clients take so long to shuffle the cards. I posited that they take so long to shuffle because, once the reading starts, they can’t take it back. They’re afraid to get the answer they want, because […]

For Valentine’s Day – A Relationship Spread

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In honor of Valentine’s Day, here’s a relationship spread!  It doesn’t have to focus on a romantic relationship – you could use it to look at your relationship with a friend, a coworker, potential business partner, or even your relationship with the Divine. 8 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 1.  You as you […]

Anastasia Reads for the San Francisco Examiner

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I was approached by Will Reisman of the San Francisco Examiner about doing some predictions for the paper for 2010.  I explained that for me, Tarot isn’t about prediction. We talked about different ideas, and I ended up doing  a reading for his article about trends and potentials in 2010. He also had a reading […]

Working from Assumptions

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I recently had a reading from someone who I know is a good reader.  Nothing elaborate, no 39.725 card Karmic Past Life Universal Master Symbological spread, just a few quick cards to look at something going on.  The spread was a “if yes / if no” two card spread using the Voyager deck. The reader […]

Tarot for Travel Anxieties

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A friend of mine is facing a trip to visit her rather difficult family – during Mercury Retrograde. She asked me if I had any thoughts about using Tarot to help her deal with it. I came up with the following spread:           3          1          […]
