Sunday at PantheaCon – Bindrunes Workshop!

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Happy Valentines Day to all of you lovely folk here at PantheaCon!

Join me at 3:30 in San Carlos for “Bind Runes for Magical and Practical Purposes“. We’ll review the theory of bind runes, and then go through the process together so everyone can create their own!

I have art supplies (markers, crayons, colored pencils, etc.) but if you have your own, please do bring them!

Bind Rune to Create Dramatic Change

Bind Rune to Create Dramatic Change

(To learn about this particular bindrune, see the post “Bindrune to Created Dramatic Change“.)

Draw for February 13, 2016

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Draw Feb 13 2016 Hela Gar Hevring

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera


Today’s Draw: Hela/Death; Gar; Hevring/Four of Cups.

Life is real, and life is earnest. So is Death.

Yes, the Universe is requiring you to release many things from your life–people, objects, patterns of behavior, mental and emotional habits, and all those other things which are holding you back from living an authentic life. Hela is implacable, and when She says it is time, it is time. Resisting, denying, or ignoring Her does not help, and will only make things more complicated down the road. Let it all go.

Hevring says you must take the time to mourn the losses. Even though the changes are for the better, and the improvements will delight and astonish you, you are still giving up things which hold meaning for you (whether positive or negative), and you need to formally and fully acknowledge all that you are letting go.

Gar offers the encouragement you need to cut these ties and make the changes, helping you turn intellectual understanding to emotional acceptance and practical action. Gar is seen by some as Yggdrasil, by some as the infinite void of Ginnungagap, and by others as Gungnir, Odin’s spear. However you see it, it holds power and potential. While you are not in control of anything except yourself and your responses to events, know that things are happening behind the scenes that you will be made aware of when you are ready to take those steps.

You can do much, once you get out of your own way.

Saturday at PantheaCon: Book Signing at 12:30

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Today at PantheaCon, I’ll be signing copies of “Painting the Soul: The Tarot Art of David Palladini” in the Vendor Room fro 12:30 – 1:00 PM. I will also have copies for sale, and will be handing out charming tokens of our publisher’s affections!

See you there!

Painting the Soul

Draw February 11, 2016

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Draw Feb 11 2016 Kari Raido Thjassi

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Kari/Ace of Swords; Raido; Thjassi/Three of Swords.

The Year of the Fire Monkey continues at a brisk pace. Remember to breathe.

Kari brings the mental clarity and focused intellectual energy to deal with everything on your dance card. The key is to remember to take things one at a time. Multitasking is a myth, and not a helpful one. Neuroscientists have shown again and again that splitting your attention does not actually get things done any faster, and will often result in the set of tasks taking more time to complete than if you had simply done them sequentially.

Raido speeds things along, continuing Mjol’s influence from the past two days. Much progress can be made, but be aware of how fast you are actually moving, and make sure you are not missing important details or skipping necessary steps. Take care that you are not running over others, or running yourself ragged.

Thjassi cautions against rashness and poor boundary awareness. If you try to sail over another’s boundary today, you may find yourself burnt badly. Stop, think, then act. If you need someone to shift their boundaries, use reason and logic–don’t just  try to force your way through. And remember, No Means No. If you hit a wall, pull back and consider your other options.

Pace yourself, look at the map, and watch the road. A runaway chariot crashes and creates more problems than you were able to solve before things went awry.

Draw for February 10, 2016

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Draw February 10 2016 Mjol Sol Nidhogg

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Mjol/Eight of Wands; Sol; Nidhogg/Strength.

Mjol moves from yesterday’s Hidden Influence to today’s Active Influence. If you have any unfinished business from yesterday, make dealing with that your first priority, because today is going to be just as demanding.

Nidhogg tells you that you have the strength to deal with everything, but you also have some deferred maintenance to catch up on. In the tech world, the term “technical debt” refers to the accumulated upgrades and maintenance that should have been done, but was put off for various reasons (timing, lack of staff, hassle factor). The problem with allowing technical debt to accumulate is that one day, out of the blue, your system will stop working. Think about where in your life this concept applies–do you have material clutter to clear, or repairs to make? Do you have emotional, psychological, or spiritual housecleaning that needs to be done? Whatever it is, Nidhogg insists you take care of it today. However difficult and unpleasant it may be, it’s nowhere near as bad as the mess you will have to clean up if you continue to defer these tasks and things grind to a halt until you deal with them.

Sol brings the light you need to see what you are doing, the warmth to start you moving, and the healing energy you need to do the inner work today requires. Even if today is filled with external demands, your internal state requires attention and healing, just as much as changing the oil on your car, taking your shoes to the cobbler, or clearing your email. Tap into this energy to keep you going, and you will be pleasantly surprised at the end of the day to find how much improvement you’ve been able to make on several levels.

Draw for February 9, 2016

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Draw Feb 9 2016 Mengloth Fehu-r Mjol

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera


Today’s Draw: Mengloth/Page of Cups; Fehu, reversed; Mjol/Eight of Wands.

After yesterday’s festivities, we find ourselves back in the daily dailiness of life.

Mengloth is a famous healer, and is here to tell you that you need to take care of yourself. No, really, truly, you do.

See that reversed Fehu? That relates not only to material wealth (keep an eye on your spending today, and double-check your math before making that purchase), but also to your physical health. You don’t have to be an advanced reader to know that Fehu reversed signals depletion and exhaustion. You must allow yourself to rest and to heal. Eat well, stay hydrated, engage in some gentle movement. Be kind to your body today–you both need it.

Mjol sweeps in on a blizzard of external demands. Noted, but that doesn’t change the reality that you must take care of yourself today so that  you can deal with those demands. Do what you must today, but probably more of those demands can wait until tomorrow than the ones who are making the demands want to believe. Their priorities do not determine your priorities. And remember, your priority today is genuine self-care.

Draw for February 8, 2016

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Draw Feb 8 206 Glut Einmyria Eisa Ior-r Sinmora

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Glut, Einmyria & Eisa/Three of Wands; Ior, reversed; Sinmora/Queen of Wands.

Put on your dancing shoes! After the unrelenting intensity and grimness of last week’s draws, today brings joy and friendship as a much-needed respite.

Sinmora dances from the core of Her fiery soul, expressing Her sheer delight in the joy of existence and movement. Sinmora tells you to love yourself, love who you are, and love your life, no matter what happens. Express your joy freely, and don’t mind if others are watching–or not watching. Most people are too busy being self-conscious about what others think to pay much attention to what you are doing.

Glut and Her daughters dance for joy as well. The joy of good companions, of having friends and loved ones to share with, the joy of being and dancing. Spend time today with friends and loved ones, or, if you can’t be there today, make plans to be together soon. Call people, write letters, connect in a personal way–not just an email or a social media message. Individual connection is far more powerful and moving than a mass broadcast.

Ior is reversed. Usually, I would take this as a caution from Jormundgand to be extra-careful about boundaries. Given today’s cards, though, the message reads to me that it’s okay to relax those boundaries a bit–instead of staying safe in your isolation, allow yourself to drop the walls and invite in those you love and know are trustworthy.

It’s Monday, and you may have a lot of work to do, but you can do it with joy. Do make time today to dance, in one way or another!

Bindrune to Create Dramatic Change

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If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune.

Change can be a slow, organic process, giving us time to experience the shift internally as well as externally in real time.

And sometimes, things are painfully stuck, and you need to shake things up and create radical change. This rune can help you do that, but you must be prepared to engage and effectively manage the intense energies. This combination burns with light, heat, and fire energy, and you need to be careful when playing with fire. This is not a good bindrune for beginners.

Bind Rune to Create Dramatic Change

Bind Rune to Create Dramatic Change

The rune tiles show the individual runes which create the bindrune. From left to right: Sowelu, Cweorth, and Dagaz.

Sowelu brings the light and heat of the sun, as well as the lightning strike of destruction which leads to regeneration. Sowelu contains healing energy, which you can channel into creating the new situation as an improvement over current circumstances. This rune carries some of the energies of the Tower card from the Tarot, so understand what you are dealing with when you use it. This rune is often associated with Loki (a fire giant) and His father Farbauti (also fire giant, and wielder of lightning). Remember that Loki is a Trickster, and Farbauti is also known as the Cruel Striker. Set very clear intentions for the highest good of all when you add this rune.

Cweorth is the rune of the funeral pyre. Throw everything onto the bier, light it, and walk away. The wildness of this rune is not something to invoke until you are adept at managing intense energies. I know I keep saying that in regards to this bindrune, but really–Cweorth calls forth incredible amounts of intense energy, and you need to be prepared for that, or it will knock you off your feet and burn everything, not just what you offer to it. As the rune of cremation, it is linked to Hela, so be sure you are prepared to deal with what She will ask of you in return for this rune.

Dagaz is the rune of transformation, the moment of change. Dagaz offers protection and focus. Think of it as a funnel that channels the energies of the bindrune to your desired result, as well as creating a barrier to keep out unwanted influences. Loki is also associated with this rune, and the Trickster will take you at your word–so again, state your intentions quite clearly, and for the highest good of all.

This rune was done in colored pencil. I tried using my calligraphy markers, but the color combinations went muddy due to mixing, so I stuck with the colored pencils for this one.

You could also put a drop of cinnamon or clove oil to add some fiery energy to further move things along, or a drop of your favorite oil  on it to reinforce the energy with your personal scent. You can also use a magical oil, such as a hoodoo oil like Algiers Oil, or other type of specially prepared oil.

This rune can be quite effective, but be warned that the changes may manifest in ways you don’t expect or necessarily desire. When you create this rune, it is critical that you focus on the desired outcome in specific detail. An undefined or poorly defined outcome may simply bring you new problems to replace the old problems, and that’s not what you want to create for yourself.


Draw for February 5, 2016

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Draw Feb 5 2016 Narvi and Vali Sowelu Thjassi

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Narvi & Vali/Ten of Swords; Sowelu; Thjassi/Three of Swords.

If yesterday’s draw wasn’t sufficiently challenging for you, today’s draw offers plenty to work with.

Treachery is in the air. Someone else’s, or your own, or both. If you are thinking of trying to get away with something today, stop right now. You may win in the short term, but the long term price is going to be much higher than you want to pay.

In your dealings with others today, pay attention if something feels off. Notice–and heed–red flags. If it feels like they don’t have your best interests at heart, do not proceed. Withdraw to safety, and take care of yourself. Thjassi tells you that this is not the day to press forward, and consequences be damned.

Sowelu returns from yesterday’s draw, bringing sunlight to illuminate what is hidden. Call upon Sowelu to help you see clearly, and to find the truth of the situation.

Sowelu also brings healing energy to help you cope with all of this mental turmoil and strife. Disengage from people and situations which can bring you harm. Today is a good day to focus on your own internal processes and to engage in genuine self-care. Those people and situations may not disappear entirely or right away; Sowelu helps you strengthen yourself to deal with them from a position of strength and awareness when you next meet with them.

Strategic retreat averts painful defeat.

Draw for February 4, 2016

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Draw Feb 4 2016 Fenris Sowelu Jormundgand

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Today’s Draw: Fenris/The Devil; Sowelu; Jormundgand/The World.

Sowelu brings the light and healing energy of the sun to this reading, where it’s very much needed.

Fenris requires you to look into the dark, to see clearly what is there, however terrified you may be to take that look. As the Active Influence today, Fenris must be dealt with. Sowelu gives you the light to see in the darkness, and the healing energy and vitality to tend to your demons with love. Even if you can’t release them (yet, or ever), you can love them. And you must love them if you are to heal them, and thus yourself.

Jormundgand as the Hidden Influence urges you towards completion. Whatever remains undone, today is the day to finish it. Make your to do list, then work the list. Focus and steady effort will see strong results. Set healthy boundaries for yourself and with yourself. Take breaks for food, water, stretching, etc.–you may have a lot to do, but the first priority is to make sure you’re in shape to do the work.

Look at family issues today–they may be playing more of a role than you realize. Fenris and Jormundgand are siblings, the children of Loki and Angrboda. Sowelu is sometimes associated with Loki, and sometimes with Farbauti, Loki’s father. With all of these family connections, a look at your own family ties may prove enlightening.

Turn on the light, and see what is to be seen.
